The 9th Seminar of University Knowledge Bases

online 22-24 March 2023


Organized annually since 2014 The Seminar of University Knowledge Bases, is a meeting point for scientists, librarians, university managers responsible for research and people creating scientific information systems. From the first edition, the seminar became an important forum for discussion of various topics related to CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) and their implementation at universities.

The conference was initiated by the Institute of Computer Science of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Main Library of the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2017, the conference has been co-organized by the Sages company, responsible for the implementation of the Omega-PSIR system at various Polish universities.

Since 2018 the formula of the meetings has expanded, and currently it covers problems related to scientific research quality management, research information dissemination, and a variety of issues related to evaluation of scientific achievements.

The involvement of the organizers of the seminar and the universities in cooperation with EuroCRIS resulted in giving the conference an international dimension, so that it is currently the largest event in Central and Eastern Europe devoted to various issues related to science management.


The scope of the conference covers (but is not limited to) various issues of research management:

- Methods of evaluation of research, traditional, new proposals (alternative metrix).

- Organization of evaluation processes at universities.

- Experience from the 2017-2021 evaluation,

- The impact of scientific research on the functioning of society and economy.

- Visibility of universities in world rankings

- The use of CRIS systems for the evaluation of scientists,





Speakers and Panelists

(in progress)

Isidro F. Aguillo

Editor of the Ranking WebCybermetrics Lab. IPP-CSIC. Spain

Jarosław Arabas, PhD, DSc

Director of the Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology

Błażej Bałasz PhD, DSc

Vice-rector for Science at the Koszalin University of Technology

Chieh-Chih Estelle Cheng

ORCID Engagement Manager

Prof. Piotr Dzięgiel, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, UMW

Pablo de Castro

euroCRIS Technical Secretary

Gali Halevi, PhD

Director of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™

Prof. Marek Gorgoń, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector for Science, at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow

Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, UAM

Prof. Emanuel Kulczycki, PhD, DSc

The Head of Scholarly Communication Research Group Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska, PhD, DSc

Rector at Adama Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Mary Hirsch

Member Support Manager, DataCite

Katarzyna Linke

Director of Center for Employee Affairs at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Prof. Marek Kręglewski, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector at Adam Mickiewicz University
in Poznań

Jakub Koperwas, PhD

Sages Company President and Founder

Prof. Celina M. Olszak, PhD, DSc

Rector of University of Economy in Katowice

Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Warsaw University of Technology

Katrzyna Patyrak

Prof. Henryk Rybiński, PhD, DSc

Warsaw University of Technology

Jarosław Protasiewicz, PhD

Head of the Information Processing Institute

Prof. Marek Pawełczy, PhD, DSc

Vice-Rector for Science and Development at Silesian University of Technology

Łukasz Skonieczny, PhD

Warsaw University of Technology

Miłosz Rojek, PhD

Head of the Team of Ranking Analysts Perspektywy, Collegium of Management and Finance at SGH, former head of the Department of Strategic Analysis at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Dominika Sidorska

Main Library, Wroclaw Medical University

David Watkins

Managing Director of Data Science, Times Higher Education

Prof. Grzegorz Urbanek, PhD, DSc

Head of the Strategy and Business Value Department on University of Lodz

Gunnar Sivertsen, PhD
Research Professor

Head of Bibliometric Research in Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation

Vice-Rector for Development of the Warsaw University of Technology

Prof. Adam Woźniak, PhD, DSc

Łukasz Wawer

Deputy director of the Center for Digital Transformation at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Program committee

  • Henryk Rybiński
    Warsaw University of Technology
  • Małgorzata Rychlik Vice-Director of the Library, Adam Mickiewicz University
  • Waldemar Siwiński
    President at Perspektywy
  • Danuta Szewczyk-Kłos
    Director of Main Library of University of Opole
  • Łukasz Skonieczny
    Warsaw University of Technology
  • Mariusz Malinowski
    Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Jarosław Kurek
    Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Alicja Portacha
    Director of the Main Library, Warsaw Uniwersity of Technology
  • Marek Kręglewski
  • Dorota Bazan
  • Marek Gorgoń
    Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, AGH
  • Jakub Koperwas


Kontakt do zgłoszeń i zapytań w ramach Call for Papers

Kontakt w sprawach związanych z marketingiem i komunikacją

Kontakt w przypadku problemów technicznych (problemów z rejestracją itp.)

Wszelkie pytania związane z konferencją



Aleksandra Toeplitz

Justyna Olszewska




(Central European Time)

0 Day (22nd of March)

Omega-PSIR for the beginners


click to view speakers and topics

    10:00 am- 10:55 am

    10:55 am - 11:50 am

    11:50 am - 12:45 pm

Jakub Koperwas, Sages

Introduction to institutional CRIS + questions and discussion

Summary of the day

    12:45 pm - 1:15 pm

Łukasz Skonieczny, Warsaw University of Technology

Overview of Omega-PSIR system functionalities + questions and discussion

Henryk Rybiński, Warsaw University of Technology

Evaluation of Polish universities- the tools in Omega-PSIR

Chairwoman: Weronika Kubrak

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Day 1 (23rd of March)


click to view speakers and topics

    9:00 am - 9:15 am

Opening Ceremony

Mariusz Malinowski

Rankings of the university research – criteria, data and methods


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    9:15 am - 9:50 am

    9:50 am - 10:25 am

Isidro F. Aguillo, Cybermetrics Lab
Increasing the value of CRIS for individual and institutional research evaluation

Miłosz Rojek, Perspektywy

How not to hurt universities and university candidates - Perspektywy 2023 Higher Education Ranking vs. evaluation

    10:25 am - 11:00 am

David Watkins, THE

Consistent measurement of universities worldwide; regional universities strengths, weaknesses, and trends

Question and discussion

    11:00 am - 11:20 am

Chairman: Emanuel Kulczycki

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Panel: IT infrastructure of Polish universities - current state and perspectives for development


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Chairman: Henryk Rybiński


Faciliator: Henryk Rybiński

Marek Kręglewski, MUCI

Jarosław Protasiewicz, OPI

Grzegorz Urbanek, University of Łódź

Łukasz Wawer, MEiN

Adam Woźniak, Warsaw University of Technology

    11:30 am - 1:00 pm


Dzień 2 (9 marca)


New methods of the research evaluation


click to view speakers and topics

    2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

    2:45 pm - 3:20 pm

Chairman: Jarosław Arabas

Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU, Norway

Two paradoxes of performance-based university funding systems

Emanuel Kulczycki, Adam Mickiewicz University

Challenges of Multiple Languages and Alphabets in Research Evaluation

Gali Halevi, Clarivate

Impact and excellence of the university’s excellence - beyond the traditional paradigm of scientific output

    3:20 pm - 3:50 pm

    3:50 pm - 4:00 pm

Question and discussion

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Presentation recording


Knowledge bases on Polish universities - a support or a problem


click to view speakers and topics

    4:05 pm - 4:35 pm

    4:35 pm - 5:05 pm

Dominika Sidorska, Piotr Dzięgiel, Wroclaw Medical University

From implementation to ovation. Did the Polish Medical Platform project succeed?

Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology

Roles of knowledge bases in research management on universities

Question and discussion

    5:05 pm - 5:15 pm

Chairman: Henryk Rybiński

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Day 2 (24th of March)

Good practices for CRIS


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click to view speakers and topics

    9:00 am - 9:40 am

    9:40 am - 10:10 am

Katarzyna Patyrak, SCOPUS

How to effectively manage research data in the CRIS system

Chairman: Henryk Rybiński

Chieh-Chih Estelle Cheng, ORCID

ORCID and CRIS: One Plus One equals an Open Research Ecosystem Enabling Trust, Transparency and Interoperability

Mary Hirsch, DataCite

The value of persistent identifiers

    10:10 am - 10:55 am

    10:55 am - 11:40 am

Pablo del Castro, euroCRIS

Recent advances in CRIS interoperability

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Rector's session


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click to view speakers and topics

Chairman: Henryk Rybiński

    12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Rector's panel

Faciliator: Jarosław Arabas

Błażej Bałasz, Koszalin University of Technology

Marek Gorgoń, University of Science and Technology in Krakow

Bogumiła Kaniewska, Adam Mickiewicz University

Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology

    12:00 pm- 12:30 pm

Emanuel Kulczycki, Adam Mickiewicz University

2017-2021 evaluation results- summary, conclusions and plans for the future

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna Linke, Adam Mickiewicz University

Implementation of HR Excellence in research at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland

Henryk Rybiński, WUT; Jakub Koperwas, Sages

Closing of the conference

    2:45 pm - 3:00 pm

    2:15 pm - 2:45 pm

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Simultaneous English-Polish and vice-versa translation will be available.

Zarządzanie informacją naukową i ewaluacją w jednym systemie


CRIS / RPS / IR / Repozytorium danych badawczych / Oprogramowanie do ewaluacji

  • Realizuje zadania związane z zarządzaniem informacją o nauce z uwzględnieniem ustawowych wymagań dot. ewaluacji jednostek naukowych.
  • Buduje wizerunek uczelni w Polsce i na świecie. Prezentuje wyniki badań i potencjał badawczy. Gwarantuje widoczność w krajowych i światowych systemach zewnętrznych i wyszukiwarkach.
  • Umożliwia indeksowanie, udostępnianie publikacji i pozostałego dorobku naukowego instytucji i jej pracowników. Ma wbudowane repozytorium pełnotekstowe i danych badawczych.
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